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Abei Angelfish

Abei Angelfish

Snapshot: This is a mesmerizing dwarf angel, deep-water rare majestic monarch. It has a striking yellow body, contrasting black head and dorsal fin, and a distinctive white bar.


Other tidbits: Can grow up to 9cm or so. They've been discovered from the depths of 300 to 600 feet, spanning the Coral Sea from North Sulawesi, Indonesia, all the way to Palau. These rare beauties are the ultimate holy grail of marine angelfish in the aquarium trade. Encountering this rare gem is a coveted honor for aquarists, given the depths ventured for its capture. Only a precious few of these prized angelfish grace captivity worldwide.


Bare bones must know: Live-rock fish only system, or reef aquarium with care. Low light and cool water conditions. Expert aquarists only.


Our Abei Angelfish are primed for your aquarium. They've been in our care for conditioning, for greater than 4 weeks. They're already trained to chow down on prepared pellets and frozen treats. They've also been acclimated to brighter lights and slightly warmer temps than their natural habitat.

  • Aquarium set-up: They flourish in deepwater reef setups with low light and cool water conditions. Employ a chiller system if you have to, to keep water parameters cool and consistent. Stable water parameters are non-negotiable for this rare beauty. Maintain an aquatic utopia by nailing the basics: rock-solid water quality with top-notch filtration and routine partial water changes.

    Feeding: Angelfish are omnivorous champs. Keep 'em happy with a smorgasbord of high-quality marine flakes, nutrient-rich algae like nori, live treats, and frozen crustaceans like brine or mysis shrimp, and top-notch frozen blends..

    AQT note: All our fish feast on a diet of seaweed, marine pellets, flakes and frozen treats under our care. Keep the feast going in your tank!

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