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Burgess's Butterflyfish

Burgess's Butterflyfish

Snapshot: Despite its modest size, this fish commands attention with its striking black and white palette. It sports three distinct black bands — the first creates a dramatic mask over its eyes, the last swathes the majority of its back.


Other tidbits: Can grow up to 12cm or so. Native to the deep tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region including Indonesia, the Philippines and Palau.


Bare bones must know: Best suited to a live-rock fish only system. Top-notch water quality.

  • Aquarium set-up: Create an ideal environment by offering plenty of hiding spots, caves and crevices. Load up on live rock for primo hideouts from the glare. Maintain an aquatic utopia by nailing the basics: rock-solid water quality with top-notch filtration and routine partial water changes.

    Feeding: Keep the butterflyfish menu diverse by serving up frozen or live treats like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and chopped seafood. Don't forget top-notch marine flakes or pellets for balanced nutrition.

    AQT note: All our fish feast on a diet of seaweed, marine pellets, flakes and frozen treats under our care. Keep the feast going in your tank!

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