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Common Clownfish

Common Clownfish

Snapshot: The common clownfish sports a stocky, oval-shaped body ablaze with brilliant orange to reddish-brown hues. Bold black lines contrast sharply with its vibrant body, with three striking white bands racing down its sides.


Other tidbits: Can grow up to 11cm or so. Range extends throughout the Indo-Pacific region, including Papua New Guinea, and the Great Barrier Reef. Instantly recognizable from the Finding Nemo movie, this fish is a moviestar!


Bare bones must know: Live-rock fish-only system, fish-only system, or reef aquarium. Best bought as a mated pair (male and female). No need for anemones to keep these clownfish happy! They thrive just fine on their own terms

  • Aquarium set-up: Common clownfish are tough cookies, shrugging off water condition changes better than most marine species. Anemones aren't a must for these clownfish to thrive, so a fish-only setup works just fine. Maintain an aquatic utopia by nailing the basics: rock-solid water quality with top-notch filtration and routine partial water changes.

    Feeding: Offer a diverse menu, mysis and brine shrimp, high-quality flakes, and algae-based pellets.

    AQT note: All our fish feast on a diet of seaweed, marine pellets, flakes and frozen treats under our care. Keep the feast going in your tank!

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