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Kole Tang

Kole Tang

Snapshot: Also known as the Yellow-Eyed Tang. It is sleek, dark brown with striking 'pinstripes' and dazzling gold eyes.


Other tidbits: Can grow up to 15cm or so. Native to the tropical waters of the Central Pacific Ocean including Hawaii. This beauty can dramatically shift its colors to match its mood, creating a mesmerizing display.


Bare bones must know: Live-rock fish only system, or reef aquarium with plenty of live rock. 

  • Aquarium set-up:  For optimal vitality, they flourish in habitats teeming with hideouts and vigorous water currents. Maintain an aquatic utopia by nailing the basics: rock-solid water quality with top-notch filtration and routine partial water changes.

    Feeding: For tangs, algae is king! Load up on algae-based essentials like toasted nori sheets, algae flakes, and pellets. And for a gourmet twist, treat them to frozen brine shrimp enriched with spirulina. It's an algae feast fit for royalty!

    AQT note: All our fish feast on a diet of seaweed, marine pellets, flakes and frozen treats under our care. Keep the feast going in your tank!

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