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Blue Linkia Starfish

Blue Linkia Starfish

Snapshot: With its extraordinary blue hue, this starfish steals the spotlight. Sometimes adorned with hints of red or purple, its vibrant body adds an electrifying touch to your underwater world.


Other tidbits: Can grow up to 40cm across! As a juvenile, it prefers hiding away in caves, but as it matures, you'll spot it gracefully waving its arms in search of microscopic delights.


Bare bones must know: Mature and well established aquariums only. Keep reef predators away. Very slow acclimatization required. Expert aquarists only.

  • Aquarium set-up: Provide a well-lit sandy or coral rubble substrate, along with rocky hideouts for exploration. These beautiful creatures are sensitive souls. Steer clear of temperature, oxygen, salinity, and pH rollercoasters to keep your sea star happy. Copper meds? Forget about it!

    Feeding: With a voracious appetite for algae, and tiny organic particles, this sea star also tidies up microorganisms and bacteria on rocks, corals, and everything in between. Supplement their diet with small clam meat will keep them happy and thriving! 

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