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Valentini Pufferfish

Valentini Pufferfish

Snapshot: Flaunts a vibrant palette, sporting dark brown bands on its midsection, brownish-orange spots on its lower half, and electrifying yellow fins. Bold blue striping runs along its back. Despite lacking pelvic fins, this adaptive creature deftly maneuvers using its pectoral fins.


Other tidbits: Can grow up to 11cm or so. Native to the waters of tropical Indo-Pacific region including the Eastern Australian coast, and the Red Sea. When threatened, it inflates its body to almost double its size.


Bare bones must know: Live-rock fish-only system, or fish-only system. Top-notch filtration to cope with messy eating habits. Use a container, not a net, for transfer to prevent stress. Handle with extreme care, its defense mechanism, tetrodotoxin, is lethal.  When threatened or when it dies, it releases a toxin deadly to other tank mates. Best kept in its own aquarium. Larger sized aquarium needed.

  • Aquarium set-up: Transform your aquarium into a natural haven with live rock, caves, and other structures mimicking their habitat. Offer plenty of nooks and crannies for puffers to retreat to when stressed. Opt for sandy substrate to cater to their bottom-dwelling tendencies. Maintain an aquatic utopia by nailing the basics: rock-solid water quality with top-notch filtration and routine partial water changes.

    Feeding: To mimic their natural diet, serve up a medley of clams, mussels, and squid. And don't forget the hard-shelled seafood treats, like prawns! This diverse menu isn't just tasty; it's essential for maintaining their dental prowess. Crunch away those toothy troubles!

    AQT note: All our fish feast on a diet of seaweed, marine pellets, flakes and frozen treats under our care. Keep the feast going in your tank!

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